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What is Apothecary ?

It is an archaic word for pharmacist who formulates and dispenses drug upon written order (prescription) from a licensed practitioner such as physician, dentist or advanced practice nurse


It is hard to say when it started exactly; it existed in a rudimentary form long before the word existed. Combining different agents (compounds) was considered an art form by priests and doctors

Decline in Apothecary

Pharmacists fulfilled the role of apothecary preparing drug products (according to the art) for medicinal use. Industrial revolution had an impact of every aspect of pharmacy.

By the 1950's large-scale manufacturing of medicinal products by pharmaceutical industry and the introduction of prescription-only legal status for most therapeutic agents, limited the role of pharmacists to compounding, dispensing and labeling products.

The growth of commercial drug manufacturers marked a sharp decline in the need for compounding and apothecary

Facts on apothecary

  • The first apothecary shops appeared in These Street market shops sold medicines along with syrups, perfumes and wines.
  • The apothecary-pharmacist still compounded approximately 60 percent of all medications in the 1930's and 1940's

Shreyas Singh

F. Y. B. Pharm

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy