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Although nationalism is unique to the modern world,some of its elements can be traced throughout history.The roots of nationalism are probably to be found in the ancient Hebrews, who conceived of themselves as both a chosen people, i.e. a people as a whole superior to all other people and a people with a common cultural history.These feelings of ethnocentrism with are similar to nationalism gave way to much more universal identifications under the Roman Empire where a strong centralized monarchies were built and regional languages and art forms were evolved.The religious wars set nation against nation. Later through the theories of French Revolution it was been concluded that people should establish governments of equality to everyone and for the first time in history people would create a government in accordance with the nation's general will and nationalism found its first political expression.

Nations are formed as a medium between city-states and empires, and often assumes statehood in order to protect themselves. A nation is simply a particular type of society. Nationalism on the other hand is the possession of belief about nation, particularly the belief that the 'nation' is the only goal worthy of pursuit. In India,in the process of their struggle with colonialism people began discovering their unity,the growth of modern nationalism is intimately connected to the anti-colonial movement. The revival of glorious Indian heritage helped in regenerating a sense of self confidence and patriotism among the people. In India, nationalism was not the hand maid of a particular class, but the result of a consciousness among all the classes, which ultimately brought independence. This is however a better perspective in terms of nationalism but the actual problems faced are because nationalism rejects ethnic minorities, strives to racial segregation and is reluctant when it comes to relations with neighboring countries, in the twenty first century the concept of nationalism is based on Darwinism, where struggle is mandatory and there is only survival of the fittest. The world economic forum annually produces it list of its threats the world faces and the top of the list was state conflict. Nationalism directly results in an increase in international tensions and unpromising background for efforts at multilateral co operations on taxes and trade. Nationalism is also sometimes used to get a population to support wars where pride leads to wars. Nationalism is also known to be the significant cause of World War I. Also during World War II, British, French and American troops were also inspired by nationalism where they used nationalism as a toll to get whichever resources and help they required. The end of World War I saw he establishment of many independent nations. Most of the dangers arise when a charmistic leader misuses people in the name of nationalism. In the present state United States have issues regarding the Mexican border and the arrival of illegal immigrants. When Brexit and Donald Trump victory were observed it strengthened nationalism, which has resulted in rise in racism. The fear that immigrants are stealing jobs is growing in many countries. Nationalism gives rise to the feeling of superiority among the people of a particular nation over others. Discrimination, inequality go hand in hand when extreme nationalism is observed.

The growing amount of nationalism in today's world will have a damaging effect on humanity. The idea that people are created equal has significantly dissipated. It is truly said, that 'Manpower without unity is a not a strength unless it is harmonized and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power.' Humans have formed kingship to aid the inheritance of genes, but these also enable cultural inheritance and also promote vitality. The ides of nationalism are becoming tools in the hands of forces advocating capitalist development and striving to hinder the growth of political consciousness among the masses. Tendencies towards national egoism, National superiority and national exclusiveness are beginning to have a greater effect, both nationally and internationally. A point of consent is that people of different nations can perfectly cohabit, if one nation is not putting oneself over the other, if the national identity of a human is not emphasized as the key attribute and if the cultures of every nation can develop without impediment.

But in the new millennium, nations and nationalism are here to stay.

Pooja Joshi

Final Year

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy