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Knowledge At MET

Knowledge At MET


Initially, the outbreak of covid made the world come to a standstill. Covid isn’t new. It has been present among us for a very long time. But it's infectivity was only discovered in humans in late 2019. It was said that the covid virus transmitted from the bats to the humans. The spread of this virus then led to a pandemic in the early 2020, infecting millions of people which in turn greatly affected the lives of those who were infected and also their loved ones. Wearing masks was made compulsory and a social distance of 6ft was advised. Since the development of vaccines, taking the required doses of that particular vaccine was mandated along with the aforementioned precautions. In addition to that, frequent sanitization of hands and disinfection of the public places was taken up by the Government organizations all over the world.A complete lockdown confined people within the four walls of their houses. It was mentally, physically and financially draining for most of the population. Many people lost their jobs due to mass termination from the corporates; work from home (WFH) became an apt means to carry on the work, except for some professions. People were not allowed to go for a walk in the parks or workout in the gyms, due to them being closed. Coupled with various restrictions, people were completely isolated from the outside environment. Some people continued working out at home whereas some didn’t. Even there was such a time where people were afraid to be around other people and hence interaction was almost nil. But thanks to digitalization, many were connected virtually to their loved ones, friends, colleagues, etc. through means of video call. Online parties became a famous concept. Lockdown took a toll on many lives. People went into depression, suicide rates, domestic violence and sexual assault cases rising. were some of the negative effects of the lockdown.Wearing face masks, maintaining social distancing, frequent sanitization and disinfection, WFH, online lectures etc. became the NEW NORMAL. While some benefited from WFH and online lectures, others suffered from it. There was no choice left, but to follow the new normal. People couldn’t meet and interact with a new crowd which made their life stagnant. WFH has had its own pros and cons. People were relieved to work from their own home, in their own comfort zone which led to increased productivity and less work fatigue. This also saved time for travelling to the office and coming back home. To my dismay, many companies decided to exploit this means of working, which led to more working hours, due to which they weren’t able to spend much time with their family. Many were exhausted and frustrated. This added to the increased stress levels. Students studying in schools and colleges were also cut slack when online means of teaching erupted as an alternative to face-to-face teaching in the pandemic. This saved the time taken for travelling, teaching through videos was very educating, and much more. Since students were also confined to their homes, many utilized the time saved from travelling to pick up new hobbies or pick up the hobbies they left due to lack of time and also learnt new skills. But the number of assignments and homework assigned were increased. Some students rather wasted their time and were partially or completely involved in online pvp games which also collaterally affected their concentration in studies and thereby their grades. Students belonging to courses which have a higher practical usage in the real world missed out on their subject’s practicality which greatly affected their practical skills. Some students were also at a disadvantage as they had difficulty understanding topics in online lectures. Students also missed out on their school and college life. Lecturers were also initially struggling with the operation of various learning management systems. Before the pandemic, the freedom to roam and to interact and socialization was taken for granted. But during the pandemic, people began to realise how that played a big role in their lives. Without going out anywhere or physically interacting with anyone, one would become miserable and lethargic; and that is what woke the people up and made them realise that they were missing out on so much and how important it was for them to move out of their comfort zones and hustle to live through the day by going outdoors. Staying imprisoned in their own home made people sluggish as compared to when they went outside. Wearing masks whenever someone steps out of their house, maintaining a social distance in public places, being wary of their own as well as neighbouring people’s health and also constantly sanitizing are rules of the new normal. It has been almost 2 years since the pandemic first started and by now people have adapted.

This is the 'NEW WORLD ORDER'. Covid changed the world and its people completely. There was a major change in the mindsets of the crowd. People are now grateful for what they have instead of complaining about what they lack. The human race needs to survive; hence people now are more conscious of their actions which may otherwise harm others in various ways. Cooperation, acceptance, adaptability, solidarity, unity, and mutualism is the key for ending the pandemic which otherwise would not be possible.


Avijeet Baksi

S. Y. B. Pharm



Our world almost changed in March 2020, where the Covid-19 outburst was at its peak; the spread of the virus had increased to a very great extent. From that point of the time, our lives changed too.

We had to take upon new rules and regulations for living life, for adapting it, for protecting it. The new life took time to adapt; masks to be worn, sanitizers must be used, one must keep their distance, one must not gather in numbers, one was home quarantined for months, one was infected and quarantined by themselves, one had to lose their loved ones, and the list may go on; but this list most importantly includes panic and fear.

At this time, care and love of our family; our togetherness, our support, and most importantly our hope had kept us together adapting to this new life. The faith that one day, a new sun will rise radiating new hopes that all this will pass and we will survive this.

The long hoped-for day arrived, soon the lockdown was lifted. One could walk the streets again but only with the new regulations. In August, few exams which were pending had announced their resumed dates. The students resumed their life, to move forward, attempted their exams and got admission to their colleges. The online study had begun, this method was new to all; the teachers as well as the students. Starting a new academic year with less time on one’s hand was indeed a challenge to both and somehow as months passed, it became normal. A year of online study was indeed a challenge but we got adapted to it.

Quarantine as a whole was spending time with our family, discovering new things and deriving pleasure from them. As soon as time passed and the lockdown was lifted, many people tried to go out, tried camping and few stayed inside. As of April 2021, a second surge of Covid-19 wave was faced. People were not as panicked as we had faced this, our lives went on as they should have only with precautions now. Again, as the lockdown lifted, people started their daily lives offline. They started going to offices, colleges and school had reopened and all of this was possible because of vaccines. All of this happened because we adapted to this life. Now this is the New Normal Life that we may lead and eventually it will be alright.

Facing all those difficulties, one was tired, hoping for the best and searching for a new hope. As the saying goes, if one door gets closed another door opens itself up.

Now, a new door has opened for us; being outdoors. One must take precautions as a must.

This new door gives us a lot of opportunities; taking care of our health, meeting old and new friends, having a little change of scenery which was essential. Many students may have only been interested in studies, and/or social media and nothing else, but they need to come out of their cocoon and enjoy their outdoor life as a butterfly. People now may be asked to walk into the open world. One must now embrace it and walk forward.

Exercises were done by one at home, now it can be done out in fresh air. One must start taking care of their health so as to provide less opportunities to contract any disease or health affecting problems. One must enjoy the outdoors as it helps physically and mentally too. One must mould oneself to this new normal; a new opportunity in life.

Adapting a New Normal was a challenge but moving forward through the challenge is what we, humans do the best to survive and live the best.

Preeti Kothare

S. Y. B. Pharm



The COVID pandemic has impacted our lives to a large extent, both in a positive and negative manner. After nearly two years since the emergence of the pandemic, we have gradually developed a 'new normal'.It is a blend of online and offline activities in equal measures which involves work-from-home, home-schooling in a blended manner, lockdown and quarantine and use of face mask and much more.

The pandemic has affected individuals' perception and lifestyle. The negative impacts of the pandemic related to stress, depression and pain have made people afraid to embrace the new normal, while some are in delusion of the normal that existed before the pandemic.The new normal might not be easy but accepting the reality while considering the future is a must.

This new normal has taught us many positives; the importance of maintaining hygiene with proper sanitization, mask and social distancing when outdoors as per requirements can not only help combat covid but also other infections as well. The education system with blended mode can help students' understanding in online mode and aid application in offline mode. Even if people were not having employment due to the pandemic,the new normal gave them a chance to get back to employment. It also developed an understanding of the importance of physical and mental health by maintaining a proper diet and exercise, an important factor which helps tackle stress.The blend of physical and virtual mode is helpful to a great extent in e-learning, e-shopping, food delivery and movie streaming and a lot more.

Being locked indoors during the pandemic has been a boon since all of us have spent time together as a family and developed right understanding amongst each other. At the same time it has had negative impacts- increased stress, depression, fear and panic due to family or work problems, domestic violence and lack of physical activity, etc. Employment was a major concern during the pandemic with businesses shutting down and people becoming jobless. The new normal can effectively help tackle these problems to some extent.

The blend of indoor and outdoor is very essential for a person to have an active lifestyle. A cool morning walk can refresh the mind and relieve stress. Visiting relatives can help develop social interaction and awareness. For children, playing outdoors is important for their growth and development and a positive outlook. Outdoor activities are essential as they can contribute towards good physical and mental health, develop right understanding which helps reduce social conflicts and being in harmony with others and self.

The journey of the pandemic and facing its ever-changing effects has helped us to forge a new route towards the new normal to combat the situation with a positive energy without regretting the past.

Wahida Quereshi

T. Y. B. Pharm

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy