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Knowledge At MET

Knowledge At MET


No matter how many times people learn their basic lifesaving skills, in those moments of panic, many are likely to forget it all. A number of emergency situations like being stuck in a snowstorm, facing a power outage, a medical issue or even when lost, technology has truly saved the day. With proper preparation however, technology can sometimes truly save the day. This article covers some emergency technology tips and tools that may help. In most cases an emergency kit would contain the following: stethoscope, an otoscope for ear exams, glucose testing, pulse-oximeter, a blood pressure device, etc. What's more exciting are the new things coming up such as:-

  1. A high-technology water dowser- 'Nano mesh'. It is a nanotechnology water filter that can remove bacteria a viruses so that they're at levels better than Environmental Protection Agency
  2. High-technology warmth- blanket is used to treat people with shock, burns or It has sensors that monitor the breathing rate of the patients.
  3. Another hydration technology uses a membrane filter, and works by fluid osmosis. It is hydrophilic (attracts water) and allows water to pass through, yet blocks very small contaminants. The flipside of the membrane is flavored so it can turn dirty puddle water into potable
  4. We also have the power-free energy source; one of the most significant technology innovations for survival kits in recent years is improved battery Most brands of batteries have a shelf life of a year or two, but now they're marked with expiration dates of five to seven years.
  5. Airborne dangers can be fatal as many people die from smoke inhalation during a It good to include a emergency portable oxygen cylinder with enough air to last more than an hour.

A lot of new companies and start-ups have come up with new ideas for maintaining health. One of which is to keep in the kit, an iPad or any other electronic device. The information in the app is presented in a series of simple, on-screen prompts designed to identify and treat the most serious injuries first. The goal was to make it as easy as possible for bystanders to provide lifesaving care to trauma victims. Those using the kit can press different buttons for different injuries - burns, cuts, or trauma - and the relevant compartments will light up, directing them to the appropriate bandages, salves or equipment to treat that injury. If supplies get low, alerts are sent through to restock. That's all about hi-technology emergency first aid kits. Start healthy stay safe.


Jenisha Shah


Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy