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Two-Days National Seminar


MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree) hosted a two-day National Seminar on August 30th and 31st, 2024, titled ‘Exploring Career Opportunities for Pharmacists in the Indian Government Sector.’

Day 1 featured an intercollegiate scientific poster presentation competition, where students from MET Institute of Pharmacy and other colleges showcased their research. The posters were evaluated by esteemed judges Dr. Namita Desai, Director, Institute of Clinical Research India (ICRI); Dr. Galvina Pereira, Professor, Bombay College of Pharmacy; and Dr. Arundhati Lele-Abhyankar, Senior Scientist, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. The first prize was jointly awarded to two groups, with participants from Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy and MET Institute of Pharmacy. The competition was a valuable learning experience for all participants.

Day 2 included lectures by notable experts such as Mr. Umesh Rathod, Indovation Manager at AICTE, Ministry of Education, Government of India; Mr. Nilesh Patil, Assistant Controller of Patents & Design, CPIO, IPBRICS-CGPDTM, Government of India; Mr. Virendra Ravi, Assistant Commissioner (IB), Food & Drug Administration, Mumbai, Maharashtra State; and Ms. Sheetal Chandan, Senior Pharmacy Officer at King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital. They shared insights into their professional journeys and the career opportunities available in the Indian government sector, providing students with crucial guidance for their future careers.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy