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Session on Union Budget

Session on Union Budget
Session on Union Budget
Session on Union Budget
Session on Union Budget
Session on Union Budget

MET Asian Management Development Centre invited Mr. Naveen Rohatgi, CA and a noted personality in Financial Markets on 22nd February 2023 to discuss the recently introduced Union Budget in the Indian Parliament with PGP EMBA students.

Dr. Sangeeta Tandon, Director, MET AMDC and Prof. Arun Patil, Dean, MET AMDC welcomed the guest.

The speaker presented a lucid presentation on the Union Budget, covering topics such as the difference between the old and the new tax regime, portfolio allocation for various sectors of Indian Economy, specially highlighting the increased allocation for Defense, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Education and Artificial Intelligence. This was followed by a few pertinent questions by the students and the faculty, leading to a lively debate as well.

Vote of Thanks was delivered by Prof. Arun Patil, Dean, MET AMDC.

Overall, it was indeed an enriching experience for all.

Tags: MET Asian Management Development Centre