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Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities in Finland

Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities in Finland
Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities in Finland
Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities in Finland
Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities in Finland

MET Institute of Management organised an International Guest Session on ‘Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities in Finland’ on 3rd June 2024, for its faculty members. Mr. Erik af Hällström, Consul General, Consulate General of Finland and Dr. Pushpa Rani, Department of Management, Marketing & International Business, Oulu Business School, Finland were invited to conduct the session.

At the guest session, faculty members were exposed to the opportunities for collaborative research, funding opportunities and innovative advancements in the field of academic research. Dr. Rani discussed various avenues for joint research projects leveraging the strengths and resources of both countries.

Tags: MET Institute of Management