Mumbai Educational Trust held a heartfelt condolence meet on 3rd January 2025, in memory of its esteemed Registrar, Ms. Anuradha Chavan. The gathering was graced by the presence of Mr. Pankaj Bhujbal, Hon. Trustee, MET, and Mrs. Vishakha Bhujbal, Senior Management Representative, along with the MET staff.
The meet honored Ms. Chavan’s tireless efforts, unwavering dedication, and invaluable contributions to the institute's growth and success. Fond memories were shared by staff members, reflecting on her warmth, kindness, and the profound positive impact she had on everyone she worked with.
Her extraordinary commitment and service will always be remembered, and her absence will be deeply felt by the entire MET family. Ms. Chavan’s passing, following her brave battle with a terminal illness, marks a great loss for the institution and all who knew her.