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First Year B. Pharm Orientation 23-24

First Year B. Pharm Orientation 23-24
First Year B. Pharm Orientation 23-24

The Orientation program for the Batch of 2023-24 was held on 13th September 2023 at the Convention Centre of MET Institute of Pharmacy, Bandra. Dr. Abha Doshi, Principal, MET IOP (Degree), addressed the attendees and provided insights into the course's key features and the available infrastructure facilities. The students and their parents were introduced to the distinguished faculty members, along with a summary of their notable accomplishments. Subsequently, an overview of the curriculum, examination guidelines, grading system and related matters was presented. The importance of engaging in both co-curricular and extracurricular activities was also emphasized.

The program concluded with parents acknowledging their understanding and agreement to abide by the Examination rules, Lab Safety protocols, Anti-ragging policies and the Dress code by signing an undertaking. The event wrapped up with an open interactive session, allowing faculty, parents and students to engage in meaningful discussions.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy