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Demystifying MBA

Demystifying MBA
Demystifying MBA
Demystifying MBA
Demystifying MBA
Demystifying MBA
Demystifying MBA

On 31st August 2023, MET Institute of PGDM hosted a captivating guest lecture on "Demystifying MBA" for the PGDM students to equip them for the industry. Renowned personalities, Mr. Gaurav Ghelani, Regional Head for Academic Interface Program and Ms. Sourima Sain, Talent Management Specialist from Tata Consultancy Services, enlightened the students with their insightful conversation on the subject.

During the lecture, Mr. Ghelani delved into the essence of MBA and its outcomes, emphasising the importance of passion, perseverance, and pragmatic approaches in shaping student's journey. He highlighted the need to turn knowledge into talent by acquiring, amplifying, and applying it. He also emphasised the significance of enhancing students' IQ, EQ, CQ, and SQ for holistic growth, while stressing the role of networking in this process.

On the other hand, Ms. Sain provided valuable insights on the upcoming internship opportunities for the students. She shared a cyclical trajectory of exploration, engagement, and experience, emphasising the importance of taking action today for personal and professional growth.

The lecture left everyone with a profound understanding of the MBA journey and its intricacies, supported by relatable examples.

Tags: MET Institute of PGDM