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Case Study & Factsheet Competition

Case Study & Factsheet Competition
Case Study & Factsheet Competition
Case Study & Factsheet Competition
Case Study & Factsheet Competition
Case Study & Factsheet Competition
Case Study & Factsheet Competition

MET Institute of Management under the aegis of COE - Finance hosted ‘Case Study & Factsheet Competition’ which emphasised on Behavioural Finance. The competition was led by Mr. Sunny Mondal, Professor, MET IOM, and was judged by Faculty, Dr. Akhil Shetty, Mr. Sandesh Akre, Mr. Shailesh Sargade & Mr. Rohit Mohite. The competition provided students a platform to showcase their analytical skills and develop innovative solutions to real-world financial challenges.

The Winners of the Case Study Competition were Ms. Ruchira Dhamapurkar, Mr. Raj Kacharekar, Mr. Vallabh Koyande and Ms. Anushka Chaudhari.

The Winners of the Factsheet Competition were Ms. Ruchira Dhamapurkar, Mr. Om Jadhav, Mr. Abhishek Yadav, Mr. Vivek Wadher and Ms. Akshada Shinde.

The students' participation in the competition proved to be an invaluable learning opportunity that nurtured critical thinking, teamwork, and presentation skills specifically in the field of Behavioral Finance.

Tags: MET Institute of Management