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Fatal Attraction

Topic: Fatal Attraction
Topic: Fatal Attraction
Topic: Fatal Attraction
Topic: Fatal Attraction
Topic: Fatal Attraction

MET IOM’s Institute of Innovation Council organised a session 'Fatal Attraction’ on 25th February 2022. The session was conducted by Dr. Vinay Prabhu, celebrated faculty and Industrial psychologist who has nearly 40 years of work experience.

Dr. Prabhu began the session by discussing the terms mental health and psychological disorders. He offered a summary of the topic Fatal Attraction i.e Escalation of commitment as a decision making phenomenon that can have an impact on a variety of factors.

Having a tendency to get wrapped up in bad decisions. He also defined the concept of escalation of commitment by using the Stock Market, Establishing a Business, Purchasing a Vehicle/House, Education (Ph.D/CA) and Career as examples.

He stimulated the management students about career aspects and familiarised with all elements of it, guiding them down the proper route and pointing in the right way.

Tags: MET Institute of Management