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Times Ranks MET as 5th Best!

Times Ranks MET as 5th Best!

Times B-School Survey 2020 ranked MET Institute of Management as the '5th Best B-School in Mumbai'. On the national level MET's ranking climbed the ranking ladder higher to be recognized as the '18th Best Pvt. B-School All India'. These ranking were published nationwide in Times of India besides being released online. Optimal Media Solutions partnered with Market Xcel Data Matrix to conduct this prestigious B-School Survey/Ranking to determine the Best B-Schools in India. The research was encompassing three major modules to arrive at a list of the top Indian business schools offering full time MBA programs namely Desk Research, Factual Survey & Perceptual Rating Survey. Data collected by the agency was put through the statistical and methodical analysis to arrive at the B-school rankings. (Read more https://timesbschoolsurvey.org/mba/private-b-schools.html)

Tags: MET Institute of Management