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The launch of first ever innovative learning initiative MET INSIGHTS


The launch of the first ever innovative learning initiative MET INSIGHTS was hosted by MET Institute of Management on the occasion of 15th August, 2021, the Indian Independence Day. The launch was held in a hybrid mode; which was graced by Mr. Pankaj Bhujbal, Hon. Trustee - MET, Directors, HoDs and Principals of MET Institutes.

The inaugural session began with the welcome address of Dr. Swati Lodha, Director – MET IOM and the initiator of MET INSIGHTS followed by Mr. Pankaj Bhujbal, Hon. Trustee - MET; officially launching the learning platform for our students and staff. They highlighted the main purpose of MET INSIGHTS initiative; to use this platform to engage with the students and to impart wisdom and knowledge. The idea of MET INSIGHTS is cultured from the identified gap in communication and connection owing to the pandemic.

MET IOM faculty Dr. Farida Virani and Ms. Sana Khan helped in conceptualising and designing, which will be an on-going process as they assimilated the contributions by all the Management faculties, students and alumni. MET will be a lifelong learning partner by continuously connecting with the students even after they move on to their corporate life.

The special guest and keynote speaker Mr. Amrut Deshmukh, CA, Founder - The Booklet App, TEDx Speaker & Social entrepreneur shared an enthralling story of how he started the Booklet journey and created the mission of ‘Make India Read’. He emphasised through his book ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective Readers’ on how people can learn by reading or listening to audio. He stressed to Make Reading Casual so that it becomes part of our habit.

MET INSIGHTS is an informative initiative that will benefit all students and alumni to become well-informed and prudent professionals.

Tags: MET Institute of Management