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The All New MRV Website

The All New MRV Website

We are extremely happy to announce the launch of the all new website of MET Rishikul Vidyalaya - www.mrv.edu.in . Mobile compatible, user-friendly and intuitive design along with a plethora of other new features, this new website, dedicated solely to Cambridge international school - MRV will provide an elevated experience. The new MRV website is the culmination of several month's worth of effort by the MET and MRV teams. Launched by Pankaj Bhujbal, Hon. Trustee - MET in the presence of Dr. G. Nagashree, Principal - MRV and team MRV, the website features facilities at MRV, its awards & affiliations, a unique parent login option, programme updates, campus news and events, student and alumni testimonials. Check out the new MRV website for updates related to campus news, articles, blogs, and much more.

Tags: MET Rishikul Vidyalaya