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Nelson Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Day

Today MRV Global College celebrated Nelson Mandela Day with young minds coming together and initiating 'The Change Project'.
Our AS and A Level students along with the students of MET Institute of International Studies put forth ideas to resolve problems they observed in their local communities in the form of a Gallery Walk. Fifteen groups of students passionately presented community issues and proposed actions that they will now implement as per their Action Plans. We all resonated with this thought shared by United Nations: “Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better!”
Let us all take small steps to initiate the change we wish to see in the world.
All the projects creatively initiated by the students will be implemented to bring about the change as showcased by the students. This will be monitored over the next two months and evaluated and appreciated by the school.

Tags: MET Institute of International Studies