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The MET Annual Convocation of the MCA Batch 2015-2018 was held on the 23rd of February, 2019 at the MET Convention Hall. Many of the graduating students were accompanied by family, as they were duly attired and received the Masters in Computer Application degree signifying the culmination of three years of hard work and determined efforts.

The function began with a rendition of the Saraswati Vandana, Dr. Preeti Shirodkar welcomed the gathering and initiated the proceedings. She led the group with the undertaking of the professional oath. The HODs of the respective departments then introduced their batches and the chief guest bestowed the convocation on them.

The chief guest Mr. Vivek Krishnani, MD, Sony Pictures Entertainment Films India Pvt. Ltd. presided over the momentous occasion and delivered a rousing address. He said that everyone cannot be excellent in everything; but it is important to find that one thing that inspires us to wake up each morning energised and raring to go! He further mentioned that age does not matter; what matters is an attitude towards success. His speech was well received by the students, staff and parents.

The convocation ceremony was then officially closed. And the programme ended with a photoshoot of the graduates.

Tags: MET Institute of Computer Science