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Lumiere 2021 -2022

Lumiere 2021 -2022
Lumiere 2021 -2022
Lumiere 2021 -2022
Lumiere 2021 -2022
Lumiere 2021 -2022
Lumiere 2021 -2022
Lumiere 2021 -2022

MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree) celebrated its Annual Day- 'Lumiere' on 15th March 2022. The event was graced by Mr. Pankaj Bhujbal, Hon. Trustee - MET, Mrs. Vishakha Bhujbal, Dr. U.B. Hadkar, Director, MET Institute of Pharmacy, Dr. Abha Joshi, Principal, MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree), Dr. S. D. Bhosale, Principal, MET Institute of Pharmacy (Diploma).

Lumiere, the annual festival of MET IOP is scaling to newer heights with each passing year. Standing true to its name, Lumiere, which means ‘the gleam of the light’ brought fun, happiness and excitement to the students of MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree). MET IOP (Degree) presented its annual magazine, 'The Nest'. This year’s concept of the magazine follows ‘Chaos to Cure’ is based on ‘How in chaos we can always find a cure!’ This annual magazine is a Student Council 2021-22 Presentation of MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree), showcasing articles, features, visuals, poems, graphics etc.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy