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Freshers’ Party

Freshers\'  party for F.Y.D.Pharm
Freshers\'  party for F.Y.D.Pharm
Freshers\'  party for F.Y.D.Pharm

Continuing with the proud tradition of MET Institute of Pharmacy (Diploma), which is one of the best Pharmacy College in Mumbai, S.Y.D. Pharm students organized a Freshers’ Party for their juniors on 27th Aug 2019. Dr. U. B. Hadkar, Dr. S. D. Bhosale & Dr. Abha Doshi welcomed the students with motivational speeches. It was a fun filled event at which the seniors showcased their talent in singing, dancing & acting. First year students got an opportunity to mingle with their classmates & their seniors. The Event concluded with enjoyable DJ session for all the students.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy