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Enter the Business Dragon of China

 Business Dragon of China
 Business Dragon of China
 Business Dragon of China

With Chinese brands Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, OnePlus, Xiaomi becoming extremely popular household names and China making enormous investments in developing countries around the world; it’s obvious that China is emerging as the main power in providing the much needed infrastructure and connectivity almost world over. China’s investments in emerging economies is providing a vast platform for new markets in financial services, insurance, legal services, education, human resources, venture capital and entertainment.

Therefore, as a knowledge initiative to sharpen the business acumen of budding MBAs, MET PGDM analyzed China’s grand strategy that allows them to stay ahead of the curve. Looking at how China is emerging as a global leader, MET began dissecting the propelling forces of Chinese success story. MET PGDM Dean Prof. Vikas Naik, conducted a case based module on ‘Why China is ahead?’, providing an insight into 7 cases of Chinese Companies in diverse areas of operation - Huawei, Lenovo, Alibaba, China South, Haier, SAIC Motor, Suntech Loco and Baidu. It also gives an overview about the internet penetration strategies implemented by China.

The special 6 weeks long module unraveled that -

  • A close cooperation exists between Government and Industry. Direction of economy to be pushed is decided by Government. However, companies must create and utilize their own competencies.
  • Overseas reputed scientists, technologists of repute are lured back to come to China with promise of facilities, freedom of operation equity participation, etc.
  • Strategic alliances with Western Companies appears to be a popular route-this way Chinese Companies do not lose managerial control but get technology and know-how.

Special learning modules like these at MET makes PGDM students sharper, helping them take on the challenges of the turbulent market place head-on as they have strong strategic insight and far better global business perspective.

Tags: MET Institute of PGDM