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Application of Sustainability for Professionals

Application of Sustainability for Professionals
Application of Sustainability for Professionals
Application of Sustainability for Professionals
Application of Sustainability for Professionals

As future managers, it is very important to incorporate the art of sustainability into our management approach for the more holistic growth of our economy and society. Keeping this in mind MET Institute of PGDM organised a Guest Lecture on ‘Application of Sustainability for Professionals’ by Dr. Ravi Srinivas, International Education Expert, Administrator, Coach, and Advisory Board member of TASA Global on 5th April 2022.

Dr. Srinivas started the session by discussing a possible definition of sustainable development and if not the already existing one covers all aspects under its purview. He gave a brief history of sustainable development and explained the multiple approaches in business and potential avenues for future managers in the field of sustainability. It was a stimulating discussion for students of PGDM.

Tags: MET Institute of PGDM