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10th World Conference on Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Manufacturing

10th World Conference on Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Manufacturing
10th World Conference on Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Manufacturing

Mrs. Sheeja G Koliyote, Faculty, MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree), achieved the second prize in the online poster presentation competition hosted by the Association of Pharmaceutical Research (APR). The competition took place during the "10th World Conference on Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Manufacturing" held on 6th-7th July 2023. The conference focused on the theme of "An Integrative & Holistic Approach towards Pharma Science". It highlighted the significant impact that disruptive technologies and emerging trends are expected to have on the pharmaceutical industry. In order to provide better healthcare in the future and prioritize digital health, the pharmaceutical sector must embrace these new technologies. The conference served as a platform for prominent pharmaceutical scientists, executives and decision-makers from around the world to exchange knowledge and insights regarding the latest advancements and challenges in the industry. Keynote lectures and panel discussions covered various topics such as drug development, personalized medicine, hospital pharmacy and regulatory affairs.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy