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Awards & Accolades

Awards & Accolades

MET takes off at UDAAN 2009

MET takes off at UDAAN 2009

UDAAN 2009 – the IES MCRC event gave METizens an opportunity to showcase their production, creative and management skills. Two MET Schools of Management teams - one comprising of Rohit Semlani, Riddhi, Abhishek and Manashvi won the first prizes at the event, whereas another team comprising of Nirbhay, Mamta, Shruti and Komal bagged the second prize. MET was declared winners and runners up at the CSR movie making competition at UDAAN 2009.Happy filming, MET!

Tags: MET Institute of Management , MET Institute of PGDM , MET Asian Management Development Centre , MET Centre for Insurance Training, Research & Development