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Awards & Accolades

Awards & Accolades

MET defines universal brotherhood

MET defines universal brotherhood

MET management students Venkati Muttappa and Manu Garekar won the first and second prizes respectively in the essay competition titled ‘Challenges to Universal Brotherhood’ at the MIG Club, Mumbai on 27th August 2010. Shri Sanjay Kelapure, President - Vishwa Adhyayan Kendra (VAK) mentioned that VAK organises the U B Day every year to foster friendship and goodwill with various consulates and foreign nationals in Mumbai. Prof. Vijay Page, Director General – MET IOM lighted the inaugural lamp at the event. In his presidential address Prof. Page complimented VAK for organising the event every year to foster friendship and harmony.

Tags: MET Institute of Management , MET Institute of PGDM , MET Asian Management Development Centre , MET Centre for Insurance Training, Research & Development