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Awards & Accolades

Awards & Accolades

Rx Fashion Show Victory!

Rx Fashion Show Victory
Rx Fashion Show Victory

MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree) bagged the first prize in Rx 2018-19, an exclusive Pharmacy Inter-collegiate festival fashion show competition. The students wore tasteful garments in wonderful colours and fabrics. The theme of the fashion show was the personal style of women and men from different ages of the human existence. The Golden era and the Futuristic era were depicted by far-ranging styles. The stunning presentation by MET IOP, the best Pharmacy College in Mumbai, was a perfect blend of concept, choreography and clothes. Impressed by the presentation, the judges declared MET IOP as winners amongst all the participating Pharmacy Colleges. MET IOP student Adil Surya also won the best male model award.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy