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Awards & Accolades

Awards & Accolades

Faculty shines at Avishkar 2019-20

Faculty shines at Avishkar 2019-20

METIOP (Degree) faculty member Ms. Sindhu Menon participated and presented a research project titled "Simultaneous estimation of mangiferin, berberine, gallic acid and quercetin in Amrithamehari churnam by a novel HPTLC method" on 15th January, 2020 at the University Level of Avishkar Research Convention 2019-20 where she won 1st prize and qualified for state level. She participated and presented the said project at 14th Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention Avishkar 2019-20 held at University of Mumbai from 28th - 31st January 2020. Her research project was selected for the oral presentation for the final round.

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy