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Awards & Accolades

Awards & Accolades

Faculty accomplishments at ARPIT

Faculty accomplishments at ARPIT
Faculty accomplishments at ARPIT
Faculty accomplishments at ARPIT
Faculty accomplishments at ARPIT
Faculty accomplishments at ARPIT

The following faculty members completed the Online Refresher Course in Pharmacy for Higher Education with distinction. The course was designed and developed by National Resource Centre (NRC) of Pharmacy at the Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, under Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) - 2019 scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The NRC of Pharmacy is guided by Academic Council consisting of eminent Pharmacy Professionals belonging to the Teaching Institution, Pharmaceutical Industry and R&D Labs.

1. Dr. Poonam Advani
2. Dr. Madhura Vaidya
3. Ms. Vrushali Keer
4. Ms. Sindhu Menon
5. Ms. Priyanka Joshi Jain

Tags: MET Institute of Pharmacy