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NGO Activities

NGO Activities

Beyond Social Excellence - Tribal Welfare MET Celebrating 2 Decades

The United Nations (ECOSOC) conferred upon MET League of Colleges, the Special Consultative status of an NGO, in 2003. MET has thus, been conducting many activities and projects for the tribal welfare. As part of Project TRUTH (Total Rural Upliftment Through Holistic Care), MET had adopted a tribal village – Waliv at Vasai in association with Jay Prakash Narayan Trust (JPNT) which was founded by Dr. J D Samant in 1968. MET supports JPNT which has successfully instituted a hospital, community centre, medical centre, solar energy, water conservation, fishery, horticulture and farming, bamboo weaving and sheep rearing units at Waliv. Tribal hatchments, accommodating over 200 needy families, spread across six padas, surround Waliv. Supported by the visiting doctors from Mumbai and dedicated staff, the hospital caters to the medical needs of tribal inhabitants. The hospital has separate wards for cancer, leprosy and general patients that can accommodate 70 - 75 patients at anytime. It also treats out patients at its OPD, thus many people travel to avail of this facility. The staff is provided with the housing facility making them available for routine service and to answer any emergency.

With the objective of taking the Project TRUTH into the strategic Phase-II, MET team comprising of 18 senior management members visited Waliv on March 07, 2009 as part of 2 Decade Celebrations. This exploratory visit resulted in discussions with the management & volunteers of JPNT and the senior villagers. MET League of Colleges has earmarked four areas where MET will lend its resourceful support in this social drive to celebrate its 2 decades:

1. Education: MET considers knowledge to be the supreme form of wealth. It was resolved that on one hand MET will strive to mentor children, on the other will impart basic computer literacy to adults. Using ‘Train the Trainer’ methodology, MET will identify and train JPNT volunteers who in turn will impart the learning to villagers. To this end MET will also donate required resources like computers, LAN etc. MET will monitor the progress from time to time.

2. Immunisation: In order to mitigate the mortality / disease rate amongst children, immunization drives will be conducted. Children upto the age of 5 will be given vaccinations against various life threatening diseases.

3. Electrification: Due to lack of infrastructure these villagers spend nights in dark or resort to unhygienic kerosene lamps. Rechargeable solar lamps (like the one invented by Dr. Pachuri) will be donated to the households. Eco friendly with almost zero maintenance cost, these lamps are a perfect fit for this need.

4. Insurance: Everyone’s life is precious. In order to secure the future of the villagers more particularly the girl child, it was resolved to insure them against the unpredictable with the specialised insurance policies for tribals, like the ones offered by government insurance organisations.

MET League of Colleges has been successful as an NGO with UN (ECOSOC) in conducting various integrated rural development programmes as part of Millennium Development Goals. MET has thus, been declared as the UN Centre of Excellence.