Home > International Linkages > UN-ECOSOC
Any appreciation you get for your efforts is a reward. But, when the United Nations handpicks you to implement a project, it is an international pat on the back! MET faculty and students are actively involved in Project TRUTH, an initiative for holistic development of tribals at Waliv in Thane District. The project has been supported by the United Nations, and, as a token of the special efforts put in, the UNECOSOC Council granted MET Special Consultative Status in May 2003, making it the only educational institution to have been conferred this rare honour. MET students also pursue their summer and winter internships at the United Nations.
"We cannot live without the students from Mumbai Educational Trust. In celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations, it is a great partnership established with MET. The NGO Section of Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the students from MET are a perfect team. It is great to have their contribution to the work that the UN is doing."
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