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Institute of PGDM

Institute of PGDM

Director's Message

The pandemic took the world off-guard and forced every one of us to live with anxiety for last two years. Post World War II and Pre- Covid pandemic we were living in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. Pre-covid what used to be Volatile has ceased to be reliable and has become Brittle post-covid. Despite looking reliable, flexible and even unbreakable, brittle systems can collapse all of a sudden when reaching a breakpoint that couldn’t be predetermined. People and businesses do not feel uncertain anymore due to the brittleness combined with huge amount of information, especially the bad news. Rather they feel that they are constantly standing on the verge of a breakdown causing helplessness and Anxiety, one of the most common illnesses affecting the people these days. Things are not complex anymore instead they obey Non-linear logical systems, lack of an evident connection between causes and consequences. Sometimes small causes may lead to disproportionately big consequence or vice versa. What used to be ambiguous appears Incomprehensible to us today. Non- linearity and its lack of logic between causes and consequences lead to incomprehensibility. It is a BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, Incomprehensible) world now.

Resilience is the prime quality required to deal with brittleness coupled with the capability and acknowledgement that danger is always there. Anxiety can be dealt with empathy, mindfulness and positivity in handling our inner struggle and identifying opportunities and potential movements. Non- linearity factor requires malleability, adaptability, and knowledge regarding the current scenario. Wide usage of Artificial Intelligence technologies is generating more and more data which is making any issue increasingly incomprehensible. Thus, clearness, intuition and lot of human thinking are needed to deal Incomprehensibility.

BANI environment forced us to relook at the Management Graduate Attributes and redesign the MET’s PGDM Program. The MET’s PGDM program endeavours to produce global management professionals embedded with digital and technological literacy to address the challenges of BANI world.

The MET PGDM program is two year full time program consisting of 41 courses (subjects) spread over six trimesters. The MET PGDM offers two specializations to the learners, one specialization in traditional & functional areas i.e. Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations and Systems, consisting of 08 courses in each. And another new age specialization in FinTech, MarTech, EduTech, Healthcare Management and Start-ups & New Enterprise Management, consisting of 03 courses. In addition to functional and new age specialization, the learners also study 10 enrichment courses such as Design Thinking & Decision Making, Data Science, Corporate Social Responsibility, Indian Wisdom for Management, etc. Further learner has to complete 03 Independent Study Courses during the program duration for which learner is required to independently pursue certification courses and attend seminars, conferences, etc. offered by external agencies/platforms such as Swayam, Oracle Academy, Coursera, etc. The MET Institute has partnered with Oracle Academy for the same. The learner also has to do Summer Internship of 6 to 8 weeks duration equivalent to 01 course and submit a dissertation thesis of a Capstone Project Work equivalent to 02 courses commencing in trimester 3 and culminating in trimester 6. This blend of 38 courses prepares the learner to deal the challenges of BANI world.

In addition to conventional time-tested lecture method the pedagogical approaches at MET PGDM Program includes Case Based Learning, Experiential Learning through live projects, Simulation Games, Guest Lecture Series, Leadership Building through student clubs, Business Thought Leadership series, Internship with NGOs in order to make learner responsive to societal issues and develop business models that incorporate concern for People and Planet.

The MET PGDM is a transformational journey from knowing to doing and doing to being.

Welcome to MET Institute of PGDM.

CA Dr. Das Shyamsundar
MET Institute of PGDM