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Institute of Mass Media

Institute of Mass Media

From The Trustee

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.”
- Harriet Tubman

The world we live in today has already surpassed the expectations and imaginations of the people living just five decades ago. There is such a tremendous power now to communicate with the masses just in a fraction of a second. According to various data published, India is likely to have 900 million internet users in 2025 (IAMAI-Kantar ICUBE 2020 report). With about 96% using the internet for entertainment, 90% for communication, 82% for social media and 45% for some kind of online transactions. All this points to the fact that India is poised for further rapid growth in the field of Mass Media. Newer formats like OTT, internet on the go and live streaming have already changed the landscape of communication and entertainment which will further witness transformation and innovation.

Needless to state that with this projected growth, the media sector requires trained media professionals. Therefore in order to cater to this tremendous growth, media education also requires an approach which is more practical than just being theory based. This is where MET Institute of Mass Media bridges the gap to empower the dreamers who are willing to dream big. MET presents an entirely different perspective to media teaching and learning, offering a solid 360 degrees, hands-on approach with intensive classroom sessions, exhaustive practical exercises and live projects guided by industry mentors.

The post graduate programmes in Advertising, Entertainment, Journalism & Public Relations and Digital Marketing at MET Institute of Mass Media are structured to lay a solid foundation on which you can build an ambitious, rewarding and satisfying media career in the communications industry.

Wishing you all the best to attain your dream career and fulfil your passion .

Pankaj Bhujbal
Mumbai Educational Trust