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Institute of Computer Science

Institute of Computer Science

RTI Officer

For any complaints or queries you may contact the Appellate Officer and/or RTI Officer and/or Assistant RTI Officer, MET Institute of Computer Science:

Appellate Officer:

Dr. Abhijit N. Banubakode
Principal - MET ICS
MET Institute of Computer Science
Bhujbal Knowledge City
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050

Contact No.: (O) : 022 3955 4267, (M) 09890590333
Email: principal_ics@met.edu

RTI Officer:

Mr. Omprakash L Mandge
Course Coordinator
MET Institute of Computer Science
Bhujbal Knowledge City
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra(W), Mumbai 400 050

Contact No.: (O) 022 3955 4386, (M) 083908 00392
Email: omprakashm_ics@met.edu

Assistant RTI Officer:

Prof. Flavia Gonsalves
Assistant Professor
MET Institute of Computer Science
Bhujbal Knowledge City
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra(W), Mumbai 400 50

Contact No.: (O) 022 3955 4266, (M) 9819940143
Email: flaviag_ics@met.edu