MET ICS was established in 2001 in order to create a professional and innovative learning environment that focuses on creating IT professionals that effectively blend technology and management.
The Institute conducts the two-years, full-time Master of Computer Application (MCA) affiliated to the University of Mumbai.
At MET ICS, we strongly believe that the whole world is an IT professional's work place. Precisely, in the midst of a well-stocked library, a highly equipped computer laboratories with top-of-the-line hardware and software, and through interactive sessions with dedicated faculty who are experts in their own fields of specialisation, students are not just technically nurtured but also professionally groomed.
In participation with the Mumbai University, MET has an association with the Tianjin University, China & the Hawaii University.
MET Institute of Computer Science is accredited with 'A Grade' by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
To evolve as a center of excellence in building competent and socially responsible computer professionals.
• Impart knowledge and quality Education to create skilled computer professionals.
• Create an environment that encourages collaborative and inter-disciplinary activities.
• Facilitate all round growth of students to have successful careers while maintaining high
ethical standards.
PEO 1: MCA graduates will be successful professionals in the IT industry and
associated areas.
PEO 2: MCA graduates will demonstrate practical and inter-disciplinary
skills along with an ability to work in varied professional environments with societal
PEO 3: MCA graduates will use of modern tools and emerging technologies
while exhibiting ethical and professional standards.
• K Computational Knowledge (PO1)
• A Problem Analysis (PO2)
• D Design and Development of Solutions (PO3)
• I Investigation of Complex Problem (PO4)
• M Modern Tool Usage (PO5)
• E Ethics (PO6)
• E Life Long Learning (PO7)
• T Project Management and Finance (PO8)
• T Communication (PO9)
• O Societal and environmental concern (PO10)
• M Individual and Team work (PO11)
• I Innovation & Entrepreneur-Ship (PO12)
1. Computational Knowledge: Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics including discrete
mathematics, statistics and computer science fundamentals to model software
2. Problem Analysis: Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze data and formulate
complex algorithms to produce meaningful conclusions & recommendations.
3. Design/Development of Solutions: Ability to design and develop software solutions that
meet specific computer science related problems within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, societal, political, health and safety.
4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Computing Problems: Ability to use research based
knowledge including analysis, design for the solution of complex problems, interpretation of
data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool Usage: Ability to adapt current technologies and modern IT tools to design,
implement and evaluate computer based system by considering computing needs, limits and
6. Professional Ethics: Ability to understand and practice, responsibilities and norms of IT
practices with professional ethics.
7. Life Long Learning: Ability to recognize the need for and engage in independent and
life-long learning.
8. Project Management and Finance: Ability to apply the knowledge of Information Technology
and management principles to estimate time and resources needed to complete software
9. Communication Efficacy: Ability to communicate effectively technical information in
speech, presentation and documentation.
10. Societal and Environmental concern: Ability to understand the impact of system solutions
in a contemporary, global, economic, environmental and societal context and responsibilities
relevant to computational solutions.
11. Individual and Team work: Ability to apply managerial skills by working effectively as
an individual, as a member of a team or as a leader of a team on multidisciplinary
12. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An ability to become leaders and entrepreneurs through
innovative approaches and by providing solutions to complex problems in society.