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Centre for Insurance Training, Research & Development

Centre for Insurance Training, Research & Development


Management Subjects
  1. Perspective Management
  2. Finance & Cost Accounting
  3. Organization Behaviour
  4. Managerial Economics & Indian Economics
  5. Business Communication Skills
  6. Business Ethics, C. G., C. S. R.
The CII Subjects
  1. WCE - Insurance claims handling (non-UK)
  2. WUE - Insurance underwriting (non-UK)
  3. Customer Service in Insurance (W04)
Management Subjects
  1. Financial Management
  2. Marketing Applications & Practices
  3. e - Commerce
  4. Taxation
  5. Summer Internship Project
The CII Subjects
  1. Insurance Laws (M05)
  2. Cargo & goods in transit (M 90)
  3. Motor Insurance (M94)
Management Subjects
  1. Business Mathematics
  2. Consumer Behaviour & Sales Management
  3. Logistics
  4. Strategic Management
The CII Subjects
  1. Reinsurance (M97)
  2. Business & Economics (530)
  3. Marketing Insurance Products and Services (945)
Management Subjects
  1. International Business
  2. Insurance Business Environment
  3. Summer Projects Evaluation
The CII Subjects
  1. Insurance Corporate Management (990)
  2. Advanced Claims (820)
  3. Advanced Underwriting (960)

* Syllabus subject to change due to exigencies

Performance Assessment

The teaching methodology adopted at the institute will consist of classroom sessions wherein students will be exposed to case studies, experiential learning, role play, scenario building as well as live industry projects. The emphasis will be on developing the understanding of the subject by the students since they are expected to convert teachings into application and execution mode. To facilitate this interactive learning process, they will be mentored and subdivided into learning groups or work teams which will facilitate team working as well as collective learning. Their curriculum would include industry visits, rural visits, societal relief exposures besides industry internships. Students’ participation in all these activities is compulsory.

Selected subjects like Principles of Management, Perspective Management, Strategic Management, etc. will be taught through case study method. For all subjects, students are expected to come to the class well prepared and updated. Faculty may take surprise exams at any point. During the study, students will be assessed subject wise based on the weightages mentioned here.

Sr. No. Parameter Weightage
1 Final Exam 50
2 Projects 20
3 Oral Evaluation - Viva 15
4 Quiz, Class Participation and Continuous Assessment 15
  Total 100

Credit Points evaluation system

Sr. No. Credit Points Evaluation
1 0.70 and above Pass with distinction
2 0.60 to 0.69 Pass with first class
3 0.50 to 0.59 Pass with second class
4 Less than 0.50 Fail

Every subject will be given maximum of 1 point for its credit and minimum credit points required to clear the subject is 0.5. These points will be given on the basis of students' marks in the subject.

The certificates will be issued depending upon minimum 0.5 credit received in each subject for the certificate module. e.g. if maximum credit points are 11, minimum 5.5 credit points are required besides minimum 0.5 credit points in each subject.