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Centre for Insurance Training, Research & Development

Centre for Insurance Training, Research & Development

Director Speak

“A fresh start isn’t a new place, it’s a mindset”
- Rachel Wolchin

The last two years have been full of anxiety, uncertainty, and ambiguity. We all have faced stress and pressures as never before. Work culture and the education system have both seen a tectonic shift globally. The demand for innovative, competent, and contemporary management practices has never been so critical as today. When the world seemed to have come to a sudden pause due to the pandemic and analysts were still trying to fathom its impact; there were others who had the confidence that gave the power to face the challenges. They said, “Don’t ever quit... something new is always waiting for you”.

Thankfully, technology came to our rescue. Be it business, education or governance it has seen continued sustainability with technology-enabled platforms and innovative mindsets. It has been a challenge for all educationists to adapt and adopt the new norm of the online system of education. We all realized that change is the only constant in life. So despite the pandemic, structured learning systems blended with the latest tools and technologies were offered with academic and scholastic rigor that focused on developing industry-ready professionals. And as Gary W. Goldstein said, “All you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything”.

Instances of turning the game around in your favor are many when all seems lost. We have seen players do the impossible through sheer grit. Similarly in life, patience, perseverance, and confidence in your ability play an important role to ensure that you come out successful from a difficult situation. Undeterred by the global pandemic, we redesigned the digital learning system and conducted online lecture sessions, training, exams, several webinars that include the virtual platforms for an International webinar ‘Live from Washington’ and an International Conference on ‘Dynamic Positioning Management and Tectonic shift”. Currently teaching is done online, but we are quite optimistic that soon times will change, government restrictions will be lifted and we shall get into the hybrid style of teaching-learning process that is here to stay.

We at MET do boast of our state of the art infrastructure and unparalleled facilities offered to students. We have adopted world-class teaching standards and our e-empowered MBA may be rated equivalent to any other two years management program. We have carefully selected highly qualified professionals to impart knowledge and our curriculum goes beyond the syllabus of bookish knowledge imparted within the four walls of a classroom. Our visiting faculties represent the world of professionals who bring with them their rich experiences and expertise. We frequently invite corporate guests and alumni to conduct talks, lecture sessions, and workshops that enrich our students with the contemporary practices in the industry.

We encourage participation in competitions, celebrations, and visits to industries. Currently, we face limitations for outdoor group activities but hopefully as has been our practice in the past we look forward to conducting our outdoor trips, excursions, outbound management training, and visit the industries too. We continuously look forward to building competencies and sharpening the skills not only academically but for all-around development. This is why we have also introduced subjects like Life Management Skills, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. We train our students with the latest IT techniques and take them through the Basics to Advanced Excel. We hold workshops on soft skills, e-etiquette, business etiquette, and leadership management to endow them with a wholesome and holistic development.

Data analytics as a specialized activity to make informed and rational decisions through algorithms in business has assumed great importance today. Therefore we have now introduced specialization in Business Analytics with our PGP-SBA course. The course aims to enhance a participant’s ability to think critically and strategically in seeking solutions to complex problems within a VUCA environment. Advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence, 5g, Virtual /augmented reality are expected to play a bigger role in almost all industries like Banking and Financial services Industries (BSFI), Consumer products, Healthcare, education, telecom, travel and tourism. Jobs pertaining to data analytics have greater relevance now and our students shall have the edge as industry-ready and more employable.

To make the process of learning fulfilling and enjoyable, we create a vibrant atmosphere. We have given all students access to our e-library to quench their quest for knowledge. They have access to the most unique MET World of Music to soothe and relax their senses. Our Innovation Cell promotes the bubbling up of start-up innovative ideas. We are currently looking ahead for collaborations in various disciplines nationally and internationally. Our large alumni base at very high positions in the industry across the globe is very well-knitted with its network and represents our strong pillars of strength.

We provide an enabling environment and nurture a critical and creative mindset that can propel the students to greater heights in their pursuits of excellence. In an increasingly globally connected environment, the emphasis throughout the course is on the application of knowledge, inter-cultural awareness, an in-depth understanding of creating and sustaining value in a modern enterprise into the future. We expect and implore our students to make the most of all that MET has to offer. We expect them to push their limits to reach beyond the grasp of their hand. It does not matter, ‘where they come from’ but what matters is ‘where they reach’. We aspire to develop industry influencers, innovators, and entrepreneurs with the spirit of work ethics and service to society. We seriously endeavor to facilitate the ascent of our future Business Leaders of tomorrow.

“…………Don’t look back and ask why, look ahead and say why not”

Dr. Sangeeta Tandon
MET Asian Management Development Centre