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The Mysterious Properties of the Graviton

The Mysterious Properties of the Graviton

The Mysterious Properties of the Graviton

Could the Hawking Radiation be the key to find out about the funny behavior of the gravitons?

(The theory in this research paper would only be true if the Hawking Radiation and the existence of the graviton is something more than a hypothesis.)

We know that there are four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force[1]. And these forces are made up of subatomic particles called the “Vector Bosons”[2].

The photons are responsible for the electromagnetic interactions (Rutherford, 1899). The W and Z mediated the weak nuclear interactions (Glashow, Weinberg, Salam, 1968). The gluons were the vector bosons which made up the strong nuclear force (Gaillard, Ross, 1976). Gravity was made of the gravitons (theorized Blokhintsev, Gal'perin, 1934).

The black hole was discovered in 1964 and till then it was believed that nothing escaped a black hole. However, in 1974 a research paper called “Black hole explosions” explained that a black hole did radiate its energy (Hawking, 1974). “The black hole’s mass is converted to energy and is leaked into space,” said Dr. Stephen Hawking.

The Hawking Radiation explains that at the event horizon of a black hole the vacuum splits into positive and negative mass. “The energy of the black hole causes the vacuum to split into the positive and negative mass,” said Dr. Stephen Hawking. However, the question arises that what is this weird energy that causes the vacuum to split into negative and positive energy?

Black holes only have gravity therefore it can be said that they only have gravitons. So the mass/energy that escapes the black hole can be nothing but the gravitons. Now, as soon as the graviton leaves the black hole the vacuum splits into the positive and negative mass. Therefore, it can be said that the graviton is a very unstable subatomic particle as it is immediately absorbed by the vacuum when it leaves the group of the other gravitons (the black hole). The absorption of the graviton by vacuum causes it to break apart into positive and negative mass. This concludes our first mysterious property about the graviton.


The reaction above explains the activity when the graviton comes in contact with vacuum. This phenomenon can be called the “Zero Cancellation Theory”.

Symbol Meaning
0 Vacuum
M Positive Mass
m (the one with the bar on top) Negative mass

I had written in the previous page that “the graviton is a very unstable subatomic particle as it is immediately absorbed by the vacuum when it leaves the group of the other gravitons (the black hole)”. This tells us that, when a graviton is isolated from its group it cannot exist for more than a few milliseconds, as it is absorbed by vacuum almost immediately. This would be the second property about the graviton which I have deduced from the Hawking Radiation.

These are the 2 properties my research paper has talked about:

  1. Gravitons are absorbed by vacuum and causes vacuum to split up into positive and negative mass
  2. A graviton will only able to exist for some time if it is in a pair or a group of other gravitons

The first property tells what this strange energy is which leaks through the black hole causing the vacuum to split. And the second property may be able to explain why till date we haven’t been able to trace the graviton.

If more knowledge about black holes and the vector bosons can be discovered it would become easier to find the secrets about the graviton and the black hole.


  1. https://home.cern/science/physics/standard-model#:~:text=There%20are%20four%20fundamental%20forces,it%20has%20an%20infinite%20range

  2. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/vector--boson

  3. PBS YouTube channel

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