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Healthy Living

Healthy Living

Healthy Living

With the end of year 2022, many of us have made new year resolutions to improve our health and fitness. While having specific health and fitness goals in mind is excellent, people often go to an extreme level to accomplish their goals. They try the newest fad diet or workout trend and often end up exhausting their mental and physical energy.

This usually leads to either quitting altogether or reaching these goals and being unable to maintain them, ultimately resulting in burnout, failure, or injury. Because of this, I request you ditch the extremely unrealistic goals and aim to change your lifestyle.

When you start to view health and fitness as a lifestyle rather than a part-time hobby or 30-day challenge, you develop behaviours that will improve many areas of your life.

Living a healthy lifestyle can inspire creativity and teach you discipline, adaptability, and balance. This will leave you looking and feeling better and show up as a better version of yourself for the people in your life that truly matter.

Here are a few tips to start making health and fitness a lifestyle today:

1) Find an Exercise you Enjoy
This is important when it comes to staying consistent with your workouts. If you are continuously doing exercises you don't enjoy and they leave you feeling drained physically and emotionally, it’s only going to last so long. You are better off finding exercises that make you feel good, and you can stick to them for the long term, even if it's not the most intense. Consistent low-intensity exercise will always triumph over inconsistent high-intensity exercise.

2) Be Patient when it comes to Reaching your Physical Goals
Remember, results take time. Be easy on yourself. Nothing good comes easy. Learn to fall in love with the process and the person you become throughout the journey.

3) Don't Give up on the Food you Love
I'm a firm believer in never giving up on the food I love. Find a way to make your favourite food healthier. If pizza is your favourite food, don't give it up. This will leave you feeling deprived. Get creative and use clean ingredients to make your healthy version.

4) Don't Compete with Anyone
This is your life and your journey. No two people are the same, so you should never compare yourself to others. As long as you wake up every day and try to be better than you were yesterday, you are on the right track.

5) Try new Things
Step out of your comfort zone. Try a new fitness class with a friend and explore different health cafes. Grocery shopping based on what's in season is an easy way to begin experimenting with different food and exposing yourself to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. If you have never prepped a meal before, try it out! Stepping out of your comfort zone and switching things up will keep things interesting and help you stay motivated and inspired to make this way of living a permanent lifestyle.

In The End let me Conclude by writing this Quote,
"Health is Wealth!"

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